Make low cost international calls with your prepaid phone. Buy a local SIM and use with Amivox to cut roaming cost. Amivox can bridge all your calls to your local SIM (phone card).
Use Amivox to call from your mobile instead of using free computer calling. You no longer need to wait to get home to make cheap international calls.Carrier graded call quality at very low cost! Use in roaming - check your operator rates to find out how much you will save a by using Amivox callback when roaming with your mobile.International text messages - Send low cost SMS messages around the world. Amivox account includes a free SIP account for your Smartphone. Check out and learn about group accounts, corporates accounts, postpaid account and much more. Rates - Best rates availabe for a high voice quality you have any question or comment please contact us</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">让您的预付电话成本低的国际长途电话。买一个当地的SIM并使用与Amivox削减成本的漫游。 Amivox可以桥接所有的通话您当地的SIM(手机卡)。
使用Amivox使用免费的电脑通话的移动而不是打电话。您不再需要等待回家,使廉价的国际calls.Carrier分级通话质量非常低的成本!使用漫游 - 检查你的运营利率为找出多少你会节省使用Amivox回调您mobile.International短信漫游时 - 发送世界各地的低成本的短信。 Amivox帐户包括您的智能手机免费注册的账号。退房,了解组帐户,企业帐户,帐户后付费和更多。价格 - 最优惠价格为速效高语音质量您有任何问题或意见,请与我们联系</div> <div class="show-more-end">